序号 | 作者 | 题 名 | 刊 名 | 收录情况 |
1 | 熊伦 | Enhanced ferromagnetic properties of N2 plasma-treated carbon nanotubes | J Mater Sci Electronic materials | SCI |
2 | 陈相柏 | Raman Spectroscopy Study of Ganoderma Spore Oil | SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS | SCI |
3 | 陈相柏 | Raman Study of Perovskite (C6H5CH2NH3)(2)PbBr4 | SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS | SCI |
4 | 陈相柏 | High photocatalytic activity N-doped Bi2WO6 nanoparticles using a two-step microwave-assisted and hydrothermal synthesis | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | SCI |
5 | 廖青 | Transition from strong-field sequential to nonsequential double ionization at near-infrared wavelengths and low intensities | OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS | SCI |
6 | 秦平力 | Stable and Efficient Organo-metal Halide Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells via π-Conjugated Lewis Base Polymer Induced Trap-Passivation and Charge-Extraction | Advanced Materials | SCI |
7 | 韩晓博 | Rabi Splitting in a Plasmonic Nanocavity Coupled to a WS2 Monolayer at Room Temperature | ACS Photonics | SCI |
8 | 韩晓博 | Rabi Splitting in a Plasmonic Nanocavity Coupled to a WS2 Monolayer at Room Temperature | ACS Photonics | SCI |
9 | 柯少林 | Optical imaginary directional couplers | J. Lightwave Technol. | SCI |
10 | 柯少林 | Spectral discrete diffraction with non-Herimitian coupling | JOSAB | SCI |
11 | 柯少林 | Strong absorption near exceptional points in plasmonic waveguide arrays. | Optical and Quantum Electronics | SCI |
12 | 柯少林 | Adiabatic transfer of surface plasmons in non-Hermitian graphene waveguides. | Optical and Quantum Electronics | SCI |
13 | 柯少林 | Mode conversion and absorption in an optical waveguide under cascaded complex modulations. | Optical and Quantum Electronics | SCI |
14 | 秦梅艳 | Probing electron - atom collision dynamics in gas plasma by high-order harmonic spectroscopy | OPTICS LETTERS | SCI |
15 | 洪作飞 | Ultrafast Mid-IR Laser Pulses Generation via Chirp Manipulated Optical Parametric Amplification | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL | SCI |
16 | 洪作飞 | Ultrabroadband microjoule 1.8 mu m laser pulse from a single-stage broadband pumped OPA | OPTICS LETTERS | SCI |
17 | 王顺 | An inline fiber curvature sensor based on anti-resonant reflecting guidance in silica tube | Optics and Laser Technology | SCI |
18 | 王顺 | Highly sensitive temperature sensor based on gain competition mechanism using graphene coated microfiber | IEEE Photonics Journal | SCI |
19 | 金锐博 | Extended Wiener-Khinchin theorem for quantum spectral analysis | Optica | SCI |
20 | 吴涛 | Analysis of UTA Spectra of Nd∶YAG Pulse Laser Produced Mo Plasmas | Spectroscopy & Spectral Analysis | SCI |
21 | 陈婷 | Influence of Upstream Disturbance on the Draft-Tube Flow of Francis Turbine under Part-Load conditions | Journal of Hydrodynamics | SCI |
22 | 余荣 | Enhanced visible light generation in an active microcavity via third-harmonic conversion beyond the non-depletion approximation | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | SCI |
23 | 金锐博 | Time-frequency duality of biphotons for quantum optical synthesis | Physics Review Applied | SCI |
24 | 金锐博 | Quantum manipulation of biphoton spectral distributions in a 2D frequency space toward arbitrary shaping of a biphoton wave packet | Optics Express | SCI |
25 | 金锐博 | Thermal effects of the quantum states generated from the isomorphs of PPKTP crystal | Optics and Laser Technology | SCI |
26 | 金锐博 | Preparation of a double-layer YBa2Cu3O7-x/CeO2 film on a Hastelloy C276 metal substrate with buffer layers of LaMnO3/MgO/Gd2Zr2O7 by laser chemical vapor deposition | Thin Solid Films | SCI |
27 | 马良 | Preparation of bimetallic Au/Pt nanotriangles with tunable plasmonic properties and improved photocatalytic activity. | Dalton Transactions | SCI |
28 | 马良 | Synthesis of thermostable Au@ ZnO core-shell nanorods with efficient visible-light photocatalytic activity. | Materials Letters | SCI |
29 | 马良 | Recent Progress in Constructing Plasmonic Metal/Semiconductor Hetero-Nanostructures for Improved Photocatalysis. | Catalysts | SCI |
30 | 郑文文 | Dramatically improving thermoelectric performance of topological half-Heusler compound LuPtSb via hydrostatic pressure | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | SCI |
31 | 汪涛 | High-order Symbolic Strong-Coupling Expansion for the Bose-Hubbard Model | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | SCI |
32 | 张杰萌 | On the regularity of {[log_b(an+b)]}_{n>0} | Theoretical Computer Science | SCI |
33 | 姚兴兴 | Toeplitzness of composition operators on a Hilbert space of Dirichlet series | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations | SCI |
34 | 姚兴兴 | Weighted composition operators on the Hilbert space of Dirichlet series | Acta Mathematica Scientia (Series B) | SCI |
35 | 殷勇 | Performance analysis and optimization for generalized quantum Stirling refrigeration cycle with working substance of a particle confined in a general 1D potential | Physica E:Low-dimensional Systems and nanostructures | SCI |
36 | 殷勇 | Performance of quantum Stirling heat engine with numerous copies of extreme relativistic particles confined in 1D potential well. | Physica A | SCI |
37 | 丁春玲 | Controllable population dynamics in Landau-quantized graphene | Scientific Reports | SCI |
38 | 邵静 | Research on a scheme of generating ultra-wideband doublet signal based on the cross-gain modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier | Optica Applicata | SCI |
39 | 邵静 | Photonic generation and transmission of on–off keying ultra-wideband impulse radio signals over a fiber link utilizing a delay interferometer and a semiconductor optical amplifier | Optical Engineering | SCI |
40 | 陈婷 | Influence of Upstream Disturbance on the Draft-Tube Flow of Francis Turbine under Part-Load conditions | Journal of Hydrodynamics | SCI |
41 | 杨小刚 | On hydrodynamic phase field models for binary fluid mixtures | Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics | SCI |
42 | 杨小刚 | Quasi-incompressible multi-species ionic fluid models | Journal of Molecular Liquids | SCI |
44 | 李芳 | Design of Surface Plasmon Nanolaser Based on MoS2 | Applied Sciences | SCI |
45 | 李芳 | Low Threshold Plasmonic Nanolaser Based on Graphene | Applied Sciences | SCI |
46 | 李芳 | Preparation and Two-Photon Photoluminescence Properties of Organic Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites (C6H5CH2NH3)2PbBr4 and (C6H5CH2NH3)2PbI4 | Applied Sciences | SCI |
47 | 李宏顺 | 新型扩散吸收式制冷中溶液再循环倍率对系统性能的影响 | 太阳能学报 | EI |
48 | 殷勇 | 量子斯特林制冷循环性能研究 | 工程热物理学报 | EI |
49 | 吴晗平 | 基于nRF24L01模块无线传输的人体脉搏红外探测系统设计 | 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐学报(校B类期刊) | 中文核心 |
50 | 候华毅 | 拉曼光谱结合化学计量学在不同品味磷矿快速分类中的应用 | 应用化学 | 中文核心 |