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Title:Network-based Research of Complex Diseases

报告人:李圆媛博士Dr. Yuanyuan LI


报告时间:2016-09-29 14:30---16:30



李圆媛,女,生于1980年11月,湖北宜都人,博士,太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐信息教研室教师。2016年6月于武汉大学数学与统计学院获得博士学位。李圆媛博士一直从事基于高通量组学数据,从网络的角度对复杂疾病的致病机制、发生发展过程的研究。李圆媛博士已经在Scientific Reports, Science China Information Sciences等重要国际学术期刊发表论文多篇。


Complex diseases are rarely caused by the mutation or abnormality of a single gene, but by the complicated interactions among many genes or even between genetics and the environment, the sophisticated mechanisms bring certain difficulty to prevent, diagnose and treat complex diseases effectively. With the development of the high-throughput techniques, a large amount of omics data has been produced, which provides an opportunity to further study the pathogenic mechanisms, the occurrence and development, and the prevention and control of complex diseases. Based on the multi-omics high-throughput data, this report studies the identification of dynamic network biomarkers (DNBs),disease genes and modules respectively from two different network levels, i.e., the levels of dynamic network and multi-layer network. The research work in this report will provide new approaches and new ideas for revealing the pathogenic mechanisms of complex diseases and detecting early warning signals for sudden deterioration of complex diseases from the system level.